Road infrastructure development is a precursor to socio-economic development as it contributes to the creation of wealth. For the RDA to continue fulfilling its mandate as enshrined in the Public Roads Act No.12 of 2002 as amended by Act No.9 of 2022 and the Tolls Act No. 14 of 2011, the Agency is required to periodically and strategically reposition itself toharness opportunities and respond to the emerging
challenges in the dynamic environment locally and the world over. In view of, and aligned with the preceding, the Agency develops strategic road maps that set the direction of the Agency for a specified period. The new development agenda for the nation and
apposite planning demands the development of a new Strategic Plan to define, benchmark and outline
the structured trajectory of the Agency in the medium term.

The 2022-2026 RDA Strategic Plan builds on the successes, lessons learnt and stakeholder concerns in the planning and implementation of the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan. It also seeks to integrate and collate the achievements attained in the 2019-2021 implementation period and sets out a new road map for repositioning the Agency to effectively respond to the development agenda of the Government. The implementation periods of the Strategic Plan are in harmony with the Eighth National DevelopmentPlan (8NDP) which runs from 2022 to 2026.
The strategic objectives are streamlined to ensure that the achievement of the organisational objectives contributes to the attainment of the objectives in the 8NDP and ultimately the Vision 2030. Our vision for the period up to 2026 is “An accessible well maintained fit-for-purpose road network”. The Agency will achieve this through its Mission, Objectives, Strategies and the Core Values of Transparency, Accountability, Equity, Integrity, Innovativeness, Excellence, Environmentalism and Ownership. The Mission for RDA is “To provide sustainable road infrastructure for domestic and regional accessibility to spur socio-economic development”.